Monday, December 21, 2009

Yet Another Costly Mailing By Opponents

[originally transmitted 12/14/09]

Yet Another Costly Mailing By Opponents

After receiving another costly mailing (and big money usually means big influence) from the entrenched powers in Huntington who are opposing creation of Council Districts (known in State Law jargon as "Wards"), I contrasted that mailing to Huntington residents with the no-cost E-mail received from Mark Cronin, one of the bipartisan sponsors of the Council District ("Ward" system) movement.

Without commenting in this message on what this group is stating, I have pasted below, for your consideration as a contrast to the mass mailing by opponents, the total message (minus their requests for volunteers to hand out leaflets, or make phone calls, or make donations) which Mr. Cronin sent out on Friday. I suppose, if Mr. Cronin and Concerned Citizens of Huntington can get enough small donations, we may yet see a mailing by the grass-roots forces promoting Council Districts ("Wards").

Toward the end of the pasted text you will see a list of community meetings where you can go to seek dialogue or additional information.

Jerry Hannon


[full text of E-mail from Mark Cronin of Concerned Citizens of Huntington, minus final section requesting volunteers or donations]

Vote YES for Council Districts on December 22
Vote Yes for the Ward System on December 22 (Wards = Council Districts)

Council Districts for Huntington has been endorsed by Newsday, News12 Long Island, the Times of Huntington and the Times of Northport, County Executive Steve Levy, County Legislator Jon Cooper, Assemblyman James Conte and thousands of residents who signed petitions to put this issue on the ballot.

More and more residents are supporting Council Districts for Huntington. Why?

· Electing one person who represents you and your community is better than voting for four people who do not represent you and are not accountable to you or your community.

· Electing a Council Person from your district means that you will have a person who will answer your calls and be accountable to you.

· Four Council Districts means that all parts of Town will have a say at Town Hall. All parts of Town will be treated equally: no sections will be ignored while others are treated well. It creates a more fair Town government.

· Council Districts will take the big money out of Town politics. Under the current system the incumbents raised over $220,000 each. They depend on big donors – lawyers, developers and special interests doing business with the Town. With Council Districts, candidates will be elected not because of the money they raise, but because of what they do for the community. Town Council members will care more about the residents in their districts than the big money donors.

· Council Districts will open Town Hall to all residents and all communities. This year the Town Board took 598 votes and all 598 were unanimous. Where’s the debate? Where’s the discussion?

News12 Long Island endorsed Council Districts for Huntington and said, “Similar reforms in Hempstead, North Hempstead and Brookhaven demonstrate that the establishment of council districts brings representation closer to the people, and greater attention to their neighborhoods.” North Hempstead Councilwoman Maria-Christina Poons said, “No doubt about it, Council Districts work better.” Read more endorsements here.

Council Districts do not raise costs. For example, in Brookhaven, there has been no tax increase in the general fund since Council Districts. Hempstead Councilwoman Dorothy Goosby said, “Costs have not risen because of Council Districts. If anything, Council Districts have held down costs because we need to report back to our districts on spending.” Brookhaven Councilman Steve Fiore-Rosenfeld said, “Council Districts have not raised government costs. We have absolutely not raised taxes because of Council Districts. Anyone making that claim is spreading misinformation.”

Vote YES for the Ward System (Wards = Council Districts) on December 22.

Want to learn more, click here for our web site or our blog. Or attend a Community Meeting:

· Tuesday, December 15 at 7 p.m.: South Huntington Public Library.
· Wednesday, December 16 at 7 p.m. Huntington Public Library – Main Branch
· Thursday, December 17 at 7 p.m.: Northport Public Library
· Thursday, December 17 at 7 p.m.: NAACP Forum on Council Districts at the South Huntington Public Library