According to the data posted to the Board of Elections website, it wasn't even remotely close, with 81% of those who voted electing to keep an at-large system for the election of the four non-Supervisor members of the Huntington Town Board or Town Council.
Given the fact that the Council District proponents were dramatically out-spent -- and that is a gross understatement -- by the builders and lawyers and Huntington politicians and their toadies and sycophants, that result should not be surprising. In this process, I have lost a lot of respect for some people that I once admired, even if I did not agree with them on every issue. But, I would like to have seen them at least be morally offended by the unholy alliance that financed the "NO" campaign.
For my part, I would rather be on the right side of history, than the winning side, particularly when we look at how their victory was achieved. If we had a local press that was actually independent of the political powers behind our current town government, we might hope to see some good investigative journalism of how that spending package was put together. But, good investigative journalism has not been seen in the Town of Huntington for at least the last five years, and it is unlikely to begin now.
Therefore, it is time for all of us -- proponents and opponents -- to move on and to proceed with our normal interaction with a town government that has generally done a decent job, but could have been even better with greater representative democracy.
Jerry Hannon