In today's edition of the NY Times, on page 16 (and available online there is a most interesting article regarding a 55,000 member union, the Public Employees Federation, which has come to agreement with New York State on a number of cost-saving measures in order for them to protect the jobs of members.
Imagine that; they understand that government now has a limited amount of money available for pay and benefits, and can either pay the full freight, the whole kahuna, the max package, to a smaller number of workers, or they can pay a reduced amount to a larger number of workers.
Gee, I wish that Elwood's teachers union had appreciated that concept; we could have avoided most of the layoffs of younger teachers that our district was forced to let go, after Elwood Teachers Alliance declined to give a no-future-benefit tie-in concession to our Board of Education and District.
As stated in the article, the Public Employees Federation "...agreed to forgo across-the-board raises for three years, accept furlough days for the first time and increase the amount members contribute toward their health insurance coverage."
The article went on to state that “This was a difficult agreement to reach, but with our members’ jobs in peril and the state’s fiscal hardship, we’ve stepped up and made the necessary sacrifices,” Mr. Brynien [note: Kenneth Brynien is the union president] said in a statement. “The agreement will preserve our members’ jobs and careers while bringing long-term fiscal stability to the state.”
The article is certainly worth reading.