[Originally transmitted to Elwood Community Network on 5/3]
The May edition of the SCPD's newsletter has two timely reminders, one relating to severe weather, and the other relating to all other situations.
We can all help to make our police more efficient by following the guidelines they provide; the relevant excerpts are pasted below for convenient reference.
Jerry Hannon
The May edition of the SCPD's newsletter has two timely reminders, one relating to severe weather, and the other relating to all other situations.
We can all help to make our police more efficient by following the guidelines they provide; the relevant excerpts are pasted below for convenient reference.
Jerry Hannon
Severe Weather: This Spring has brought severe weather across the nation and although we have been affected to a lesser extent, Long Island has certainly not been immune. You can assist us during periods of severe weather by not calling 911 unless it is a true emergency—instead call 852-COPS for non-emergency police response. Stay informed during severe weather and other emergencies by signing up for the CodeRED Emergency Notification System at www.suffolkcountyny.gov, clicking on the CodeRED icon on the left side of the page, or by calling (631) 852-4900.
Contacting the Police Department
Concerned citizens often inquire as to the appropriate method to contact the Suffolk County Police Department. The following guidelines should be used when contacting us:
Concerned citizens often inquire as to the appropriate method to contact the Suffolk County Police Department. The following guidelines should be used when contacting us:
Emergencies: Dial “911” to report crimes in progress, fires, medical emergencies or incidents requiring an emergency response. After you dial “911” a specially trained operator will come on the line to assist you. Remain calm and speak slowly and clearly. It is difficult for operators to understand callers who are yelling or speaking quickly. Please remain on the line until the operator tells you it is okay to hang up, unless it is unsafe for you to do so. Please do not hang up if you dial 911 in error, as the operator may send police to confirm no emergency exists.
Teach your children about “911” and ensure they know to call this number for an emergency, only in an emergency. Reinforce that they should never call “911” as a game or prank, for this drains emergency services and may slow our response to true emergencies. Placing false calls to 911 is a felony, punishable by substantial fines and/or imprisonment of up to 7 years in prison.
Non-Emergencies Requiring Police Response: For non-emergencies requiring a police response, such as parking problems, loud music or prior incidents, dial (631) 852-COPS. Using this number helps ensure emergencies receive priority answering, while ensuring your call receives appropriate attention as well.
General Inquiries Not Requiring a Police Response: Please contact your local precinct directly. You can also email your local precinct and many specialized units within Department. Visit www.suffolkpd.org and click on the Contact Us or Phone Directory icons for more information.